‘Faith’ In Belief!!

‘Faith’ In Belief!! I am an Atheist. I know (and not just believe) that even though we cannot disprove the existence of god, the probability of it is extremely low. I have held this thought since a long time with amazing clarity, especially after reading works of rational philosophers like Bertrand Russell. Yet, for no… Continue reading ‘Faith’ In Belief!!


Incongruence Incongruence is there, can be there and will be there as a part of our lives. There is incongruence within and in between individuals. People can love and hurt someone at the same time. They can believe in one thing, but act differently. People can approach something/someone and withdraw at the same time. There… Continue reading Incongruence


People I find myself thinking about people a lot. I thought that was the obvious outcome of being a psychotherapist by profession. But I am pretty sure now that my interest in observing, thinking and learning about people starts on a very personal level. My profession is an extension of it. People are basically different… Continue reading People